(New York, April 2, 2020) — Even though we find ourselves in a unique situation of uncertainty and disruption, the mission of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) does not waver. During these times of crisis, we believe that it is our responsibility to help ensure that everyone has the ability to engage with what’s happening in the lighting industry and bring together our broader community.
While many of our major events are postponed and/or canceled, that does not mean we cannot continue, and in some instances increase, the offerings and support to our memberships and the public at-large. The following are just some of the initiatives that the IES has undertaken during these times…
LD+A Magazine
For a limited time, the IES is offering the ability for non-members to subscribe to the digital version of the April and May issues of LD+A magazine at no cost. If you are interested in subscribing, please click here.
IES eLearning Portal – New Content
The IES Education Department will continue releasing content that is engaging and relevant in the form of new programming and special packaging of existing material. To date, we have launched the following new programs:
- Visualizing Light Compilation: Perception and Concept Development – Build your lighting design understanding and vocabulary with an insightful look into the purpose, and application, of light. Through four videos from our Lighting Education Facility Showcase, learn how our perception of light can inform a thorough lighting design concept. Click here for this new, 1-CEU cumulative-learning course.
- Light and Color Course Package – This package offers five courses (for the price of four) covering five unique angles of the light and color discussion. From experts, you can learn about the history and current practice of color evaluation in lighting, and what the future could hold in terms of color specifications. Click here to view this course package.
IES eLearning Portal – Free Content
Ensuring that there is new content that is FREE for anyone to consume is important to the IES. To date, we have launched the following free content…
- We are pleased to announce the addition of Featured Interviews from the 2018 and 2019 IES Annual Conferences to the eLearning Portal. These interviews are available at no cost for anyone interested in viewing them, but do not offer any continuing education units (CEUs).
- James Brodrick (2019) – Mark Lien talks with James Brodrick, formerly the Solid-State Lighting Technology Manager in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. Jim might be the most important figure in the widespread adoption of Solid-State Lighting in North America. Click here to view this interview.
- Kit Cuttle (2018) – IES Past-President Mark Roush sits down with Kit Cuttle Fascinating in every way, Kit explains his theory of transforming how we approach lighting design and metrics. Click here to view this interview.
- Shuji Nakamura (2019) – IES Past-President Mark Roush interviews Noble Prize Winner Shuji Nakamura. This interview takes us through some of Shuji Nakamura’s earliest scholastic and innovative trials, theories, and events that led to the invention of white light-emitting LEDs. Click here to view this interview.
- We have recorded a special Forces of Change virtual roundtable called The Impact of COVID-19 on Lighting Professionals. Both IES members and non-members will receive 1 CEU for viewing this timely and free interview in its entirety. To watch this virtual roundtable, click here.
IES Events, Section Meetings, Employees, and More
To view our previous message and response to COVID-19, please click here.
The IES has been a pillar within the lighting community since 1906 and it is our goal to provide the stability and support that our industry needs during these times. We hope that you find this helpful and beneficial. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
Please be safe and be careful. We value your active participation, all you do for the IES, and thank you for your continued support.
Tim Licitra
Executive Director
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)