The IES Standards Committee is responsible for overseeing the process by which IES Standards are developed. As an accredited American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Developer, the IES must follow the IES Technical Committee Policies and Procedures and the ANSI Essential Requirements for arriving at consensus based standards. The Standards Committee is dedicated to ensure that the process of committee selection is fair, open, balanced, non-commercial, and provides due process for all stakeholders. There are six at-large committee members, plus the three Chairs of the Lighting Science, Lighting Practice, and Lighting Applications Advisory Panels. All members are approved by the IES Board of Directors, and there are two Board Liaisons that work with the Standards Committee on issues of policy when needed.

Michael Grather
Standards Committee Chair, Lighting Science Advisory Panel Chair, 2017-2019 and 2019-2022

Alan Laird Lewis
Standards Committee Vice-Chair, 2017-2020 and 2020-2023

Susan L. Callahan

Dr. James M. Gaines
2017-2019 and 2019-2022

Kathryn Hickcox

Don McLean
Lighting Applications Advisory Panel Chair, 2020-2021

Peter Y. Ngai, PE LC FIES

Daniel Rogers, LC, IES, LEED AP

Jonathan Weaver, RA, LC
Lighting Practice Advisory Panel Chair, 2020-2023