ANSI/IES LS-1-22, Lighting Science: Nomenclature and Definitions for Illuminating Engineering
The IES defines illumination engineering terms in ANSI/IES LS-1-22, is available here online. You can search terms by their first letter using the categories listed in the Categories window, by the first letter of the term in the alphabetical list below, or by typing the term in the search window. You can find the Introduction material for LS-1-22 on these pages:
- Copyright, Disclaimer, and American National Standards Statement
- Foreword, Nomenclature Committee members, Introduction, and Scope
- Spectral Parameters Used in Illumination Engineering

- Abbe’s law
- absolute luminance threshold
- absorptance, α
- absorption
- accent lighting
- acceptance half-angle
- accommodation
- ace
- actinic
- action spectrum
- adaptation
- adaptive color shift
- adaptive lighting
- adaptive subdivision
- adverse weather lamp
- aerodrome beacon
- aeronautical beacon
- aeronautical ground light
- aeronautical light
- afterimage
- aging
- air mass (optical air mass)
- aircraft aeronautical light
- airway beacon
- Allard’s law
- altitude angle
- amalgam
- ambient lighting
- analog multiplex, AMX
- anchor light
- angle-of-approach lights
- angle of collimation
- Annex A - Physical Receptors and Devices
- annual sunlight exposure (ASE)
- anti-collision light
- aphakic hazard function
- apostilb
- approach-light beacon
- approach lights
- arc
- arc discharge
- arc lamp
- area lighting (television, film, theater)
- artificial pupil
- asbestos tapoff
- astronomical time switch
- atmospheric transmissivity
- automated fixture
- auxiliary equipment
- average luminance
- aversion response
- azimuth
- baby
- back light
- back-up lamp
- backing lighting
- backward ray tracing
- bactericidal functions
- bactericidal lamp
- bactericidal radiation
- baffle
- balcony lights
- ballast
- ballast factor
- ballast-lamp photometric factor
- bank
- bar (of lights)
- bare (exposed) lamp
- barn doors
- barrel
- barrette
- base light
- batten
- beacon
- beam angle
- beam axis of a projector
- beam efficiency
- beam lights
- beam lumens
- beam projector
- beam spread (in any plane)
- bed
- biconical reflectance
- biconical transmittance
- bidirectional reflectance
- bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)
- bidirectional scatter distribution function (BSDF)
- bidirectional transmittance
- bidirectional transmittance distribution function (BTDF)
- bihemispherical reflectance
- bihemispherical transmittance
- bilateral sidelighting
- bin
- binocular portion of the visual field
- biological rhythm
- black light
- black light flux
- black light flux density
- blackbody
- blackbody curve