New York, NY: The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) is proud to announce the formation of a new entity dedicated to furthering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect (DEIR) in the lighting industry. The Lighting Advocacy Congress shall serve as a “United Nations” model for lighting organizations with DEIR missions to coordinate activities, share experiences, advice, and resources. It will encourage and foster interaction, cooperation, and collaboration between these organizations to instigate positive change in lighting and related industries. The IES is proud to be the host and virtual headquarters for this pioneering effort.
The Congress will be funded through benefactors who consist of lighting firms and manufacturers with a proven record of DEIR principles and practice. These benefactors shall be encouraged to likewise share resources and knowledge to further DEIR in the manufacturing realm.
The Congress will meet virtually or in person four times a year starting in early 2024. Each organization will provide a representative as a voting participant for a two-year term. Meetings will be organized and moderated by a Secretary General, and recorded by a non-voting Secretary to be designated by January 2024. All members shall subscribe to a founding charter which provides the rules and philosophy for the Congress.
The Lighting Advocacy Congress initiative builds upon a century of excellence to create the premier lighting community dedicated to promoting the art and science of quality lighting to its members, allied professional organizations, and the public.