The IES recognized members for technical and service achievements at the 2017 Annual Conference in August.
IES Medal

Ian Ashdown received the IES Medal in recognition of meritorious technical achievement that has conspicuously furthered the profession, art or knowledge of illuminating engineering. Achievements shall be in the field of engineering, design, applied illumination, optics, ophthalmology, optometry, lighting research or education.
Ashdown—best known for his work in the mathematical analysis of lighting and photometry—has contributed in multiple ways to the discovery, application and dissemination of lighting knowledge, within and outside the IES, for more than 20 years. He has published more than 120 scientific papers and technical articles on topics ranging from optics to luminaire photometry to ground-breaking computer algorithms for lighting calculations. More than 80 patents have been issued in Ashdown’s name for methods or apparatus ranging from near-field photometry to holographic diffusers to light treatment for skin conditions.
Ashdown’s Society involvement began in 1993 and he obtained the Fellow grade in 2000. He has served on the IES Calculations Committee and Computer Committee, and has made contributions to the Lighting Handbook’s 9th Edition and TM-27-14. He has also made technical contributions to multiple other organizations, including the CIE and U.S. Department of Energy.
In addition to his technical contributions, Ashdown has helped make complicated topics understandable for the average lighting professional, often with a touch of his signature dry humor, via articles for LD+A and his blog, All Things Lighting, as well as presentations at lighting conferences.
Louis B. Marks Award
Three members received Louis B. Marks Awards in recognition of exceptional service to the Society of a non-technical nature.
Eunice Noell-Waggoner was recognized for her dedication to the Society for more than 30 years. Noell-Waggoner has been a leading voice in raising awareness about quality lighting for seniors and those with low vision, and has worked tirelessly on their behalf. She led the charge for the IES to form a committee devoted to these underserved constituencies, and went on to serve as founding chair of the Lighting for the Aged and Partially Sighted Committee, of which she is still a member.
Noell-Waggoner’s efforts resulted in the first IES Recommended Practice for Lighting and the Visual Environment for Senior Living, which is today accepted by many states and Canadian jurisdictions and referenced by other countries when serving these populations. The Society has benefitted from Noell-Waggoner’s under-the-radar work with national committees, standard-setting organizations, energy agencies and state agencies that regulate senior housing.

Terry McGowan was recognized for his dedication and leadership in promoting the goals, values and heritage of the IES. McGowan’s efforts include guidance for the direction of lighting research and its dissemination to IES members and other lighting shareholders; leadership in advancing and communicating lighting quality; his passion for lighting education; support for emerging professionals; and active participation in other lighting organizations that serve to enhance the national and global presence and influence of the IES. His “voice of reason” and his compassion for people make him an admired ambassador for the IES and for the lighting industry.
Paul Mercier was recognized for serving the Society at all levels through leadership, education and mentoring. Mercier’s work has brought about new programs and initiatives that have furthered the IES through member services, international publications and educational programs. His service to the Society as president during its transition period between executive vice presidents showed his integrity, character, benevolence and love for the IES, resulting in a successful transition of staff and business practices.
Distinguished Service Award
Craig Bernecker received a Distinguished Service Award in recognition of service to the Society, principally of a non-technical nature, having significantly furthered the purpose for which the Society was founded, and continued over a number of years in various programs and activities. Bernecker’s contributions over decades have skillfully guided scientific and administrative aspects of the IES. Well beyond his contributions through education, technical papers and works, committee service and the like, Bernecker fulfilled the top leadership role as IES president with distinction. Bernecker’s ability to explain lighting for any audience, from entry level to expert, has helped his influence on the industry grow from students to professional societies to assisting manufacturers’ educational training, and now back again to students at Parsons.
Fellow Designation
Three members were designated as IES Fellows for valuable contribution to the technical activities of the Society; to the art or science of illumination; or to the related scientific or engineering fields.
Burton Benjamin was recognized for his 68-year-long distinguished technical career in outdoor illumination, as an inventor, manufacturer, and marketer. Benjamin’s innovations, including the full cut-off reflector optic luminaire, the high-mast pole lowering system, the vertical lamp area luminaire and other products, have become essential to the practice of street and area lighting today.
Charles E. Israel, past president of the IES, was recognized for achievements in lighting design and education. His 30-plus years of influence include his role as founder of Lighting Design Alliance, where his design work employs progressive techniques and technologies that yield visually stunning results with remarkable energy efficiency and sustainability.

Paul J. Lutkevich was recognized for outstanding leadership in the development, documentation and promotion of exterior lighting practice and recommendations, founded in research and adopted by the IES and other organizations as technical standards and reference materials, in particular supporting lighting for roadways and tunnels, and so assisting the public in traveling safely at night.
2017 Presidential Awards
These were presented to two members: Brienne Willcock, “in recognition of her inspiring and effective leadership, during a time of complex changes, for the IES Annual Conferences in 2016 and 2017,” and Mark Roush “in recognition of his service on the IES Board of Directors.”
2017 Taylor Technical Talent Award
The award for paper submission was presented to Matthew Palmer, Travis Terry, Jason Meyer and Ronald B. Gibbons of Virginia Tech Transportation Institute for their research paper IES RES-1-16, Measure and Report Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) in LED Luminaires for Street and Roadway Lighting Applications, published by the IES in January 2016.
In addition, Howard Brandston Student Lighting Design Education Grants were awarded to Adeline Williams and Tyler Arciszewski. Tena Pettit received an Honorable Mention.