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Project in Pictures: Times Are A-Changin’

September 26, 2024

From the early 20th century to today, from an annex between the Archbishop’s Palace and the Cathedral to housing for Mexican troops, from collapse and disrepair to an inviting pedestrian walkway, the historic Pasaje de la Revolución in Merida, Mexico, currently serves as an exhibition space for sculptural artwork by national and international artists. Featuring a French architectural style with two recently renovated glass archways, the space sees 6,000 people pass through each day. In conjunction with the founding of Merida’s 481st anniversary, the passage was unveiled with an updated lighting scheme designed by Aqualux. Using Hydrel luminaires, designers introduced a control system to better suit rotating art exhibitions and automated dimming to improve energy efficiency, which ultimately presented a revitalized space for locals and tourists to enjoy even later  into the evening.


Project in Pictures: Times Are A-Changin’

A warm color temperature was selected to blanket the top of the corridor, making the passageway an inviting place to linger.


Project in Pictures: Times Are A-Changin’

Thirty-six white floodlights illuminate the architectural elements on corridor cornices, 36 white floodlights light the beam of the roof structure, 76 RGBW liner fixtures provide rooftop lighting and 56 Amber  Wavelength linear fixtures provide balcony lighting.


Project in Pictures: Times Are A-Changin’

SAF7 and SAF1 static-white architectural floodlights and Hyline501 RGBW linear luminaires enhance the passage’s architectural features and spotlight artwork in the evening hours.  


Project in Pictures: Times Are A-Changin’

Dozens of linear luminaires with various optics along with white floodlights set to 2700K illuminate the exterior façade.

All photos: Paul Cz