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Mark Major Named Master of the Faculty of Royal Designers for Industry

December 9, 2019

Mark MajorMark Major RDI, Speirs + Major, London, has assumed the role of Master of the Faculty of Royal Designers for Industry, announced by the Royal Society of Arts. Major was made an RDI in 2012 for his “innovative use of light to create public space.”

Royal Designer for Industry is a distinction established by the RSA in 1936, to encourage a high standard of design and enhance the status of designers. It is awarded to people who have achieved “sustained excellence in aesthetic and efficient design for industry.” Only a maximum of 200 designers may hold the distinction at any time and it is regarded as the highest design honor to be obtained in the United Kingdom and includes a diverse range of design disciplines.

“I am hugely honored to have been elected to the role of Master, not least because it allows me to act as an ambassador for what can still be considered a nascent design profession–architectural lighting,” says Major. In this sense, my appointment recognizes the widening and evolving scope of design professions that have both aesthetic value and are of benefit to society. Lighting impacts everyone, and it has always been a major focus of my work to improve the quality of light for people within the urban environment. I am excited to have the opportunity to continue my work with the Royal Society of Arts to promote the importance of socially and environmentally responsible design and design education.”