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IES Logo Guidelines

Primary Colors & Logo


Please use the orange and yellow version of our logo when possible with the color values given below. No other colors. Our symbol can be used as a thumbnail/favicon only and as a full logo.

Our Identifier


The primary identifier, our signature, consists of the IES logo combined with the organization’s name. Three standard configurations exist the primary signature, the IES logo alone, and the Society name. Introduced on this page is the primary signature version. Our identifier system enables us to communicate with a unique voice. It is the standard that sets us apart and the expression that articulates our vision.


Illuminating Engineering Society


Please note:
Do not modify the identifiers in any way. Use only the provided standard files. Electronic “art” may be supplied by request as Adobe Illustrator “eps” files (Encapsulated (Adobe) PostScript) for printed applications.
The Illuminating Engineering Logo is available in an EPS, PNG, and JPG formats upon request.

Our Primary Signature Versions

Standard Signature


Illuminating Engineering Society

Illuminating Engineering Society


Please note:
Use only color signature versions in electronic media.


Illuminating Engineering Society


Please note:
The shades of gray (tints of black) in this signature file to be reversed out of a black background are different from those used on a white background.


Our Primary Logo Versions

Standard logo


Illuminating Engineering Society    Illuminating Engineering Society

Please note:
Use only color signature versions in electronic media.


Illuminating Engineering Society    Illuminating Engineering Society

Please note:
The shades of gray (tints of black) in this signature file to be reversed out of a black background are different from those used on a white background.


The Decorative Graphic Element


IES Background


Please note:
This graphic may be used as a decorative element only. It must not replace our signature or the IES logo, but be applied in combination with either identifier type. The design as a whole or various crops can be used to emphasize our new brand expression.


IES Section Logos


IES Section logos are available upon request to Section officers to be used for marketing purposes. Please contact the IES Member Relations Manager, Michael Austerlitz for your Section’s logo files. 

IES Sections are referred to by their legal names: IES [city name] Section. For legal reasons, Section nicknames are not allowed.



Albany Section

Albuquerque Section

Allentown Section

Anchorage Section

Atlanta Section

Austin Section

Baltimore Section

Birmingham Section

Boston Section

Buffalo Section

Charlestown Section

Charlotte Section

Chattanooga Section

Chicago Section

Cincinnati/Louisville Section

Cleveland Section

Columbus Section

Dallas Section

Davenport/Moline Section

Denver Section

Des Moines Section

Detroit Section

District of Columbia Section

Edison Section

El Paso Section

Fayetteville Section

Fort Worth Section

Fresno Section

Grand Rapids Section

Greenville Section

Harrisburg Section

Hartford Section

Honolulu Section

Houston Section

Indianapolis Section

Jackson Section

Jacksonville Section

Kansas City Section

Las Vegas Section

Little Rock Section

Long Island Section

Los Angeles Section

Madison Section

Memphis Section

Miami Section

Milwaukee Section

Minneapolis-Saint Paul Section

Nashville Section

New Orleans Section

New York City Section

Norfolk/Virginia Beach Section

Oklahoma City Section

Omaha Section

Orange County Section

Orlando Section

Palm Beach Section

Pensacola Section

Philadelphia Section

Phoenix Section

Pittsburgh Section

Portland, ME Section

Portland, OR Section

Providence Section

Raleigh Section

Reno Section

Richmond Section

Roanoke Section

Rochester Section

Salt Lake City Section

San Antonio Section

San Diego Section

San Francisco Section

San Juan, Puerto Rico Section

Santa Barbara Section

Seattle Section

Springfield Section

St. Louis Section

Syracuse Section

Tampa Section

Toledo Section

Topeka Section

Wichita Section

Winston-Salem Section



Calgary Section

Edmonton Section

Fredericton Section

Halifax Section

Moncton Section

Montréal Section

Ottawa Section

Regina/Saskatoon Section

Toronto Section

Vancouver Section

Waterloo Section

Winnipeg Section




Ciudad de México Sección

Monterrey Sección




Colombia Sección