2025 Street & Area Lighting Conference
21 – 24 September, 2025: Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, LA
The 2025 SALC kicks off in:
Sponsorship is available for this countdown
The IES Street and Area Lighting Conference appeals to a broad spectrum of attendees with a primary focus of improving outdoor lighting. The conference program provides outdoor lighting training classes, seminars, networking sessions and an exhibit hall
Attendees come from across the country and internationally representing utilities, municipalities, DOTs, consulting and engineering firms, research firms, manufacturing firms and educational institutions.
Full Conference registration includes food & drink throughout the event.

SAVE THE DATE! SALC NOW webcast - May 28 | 2-3pm EST
Sign-up opens in March
Call For Presentations Now Open
SUBMIT TO SPEAK AT SALCSubmissions for consideration for the 2025 IES Street and Area Lighting Conference in New Orleans, LA, are now being accepted through February 6, 2025.
Seminar sessions generally run 25-35 minutes. Street and Area Lighting Conference is educational, and presentations must follow IES’s non-commercial policy.
This application allows speakers to submit session outlines for consideration for the IES Street and Area Lighting Conference. The Street and Area Lighting Conference Program Committee will consider all topics for the 2025 Conference in New Orleans. Speakers will be notified of acceptance for the conference program by late March 2025.
Why You Should Attend SALC
The IES Street & Area Lighting Conference (SALC) is the premier event that brings together decision-makers and their supporting teams from public and private sector utility companies, municipalities, and departments of transport to explore the latest developments, research, and trends in the street and area lighting industry and learn about the implementation of new technologies and solutions that will enable safer, greener, and more resilient lighting systems, at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, September 21-24, 2025.
SALC enables the lighting community to come together to explore the deployment of lighting technologies that provide better roadway illumination, improve system reliability, promote sustainability, and increase operational efficiency and productivity.
The Conference features a robust program that includes:
- New technology introductions
- Technical presentations, panel discussions
- Summaries of cutting-edge research and case studies of other projects that would be relevant to our system and customers
- The latest industry standards and trends, helping give a new perspective and better-informed skills to implement into current projects.
- Plus the largest and most focused showcase of suppliers to all aspects of this industry!
IES Member
IES Member
Sunday Class: Fundamentals of Outdoor Lighting—Eric Haugaard, Duane Henderson
As the outdoor lighting world progresses towards a market where a non-LED sourced luminaire is a rarity it becomes ever more important for all those involved to fully understand the fundamentals of this technology. As the technology has progressed, over the years, from the simple race to the best Lumens per Watt to one of discussions relative on quality of light, reliability of the overall luminaire and the effect all this has on the health and safety of the individuals within the illuminated space it is critical that we all understand the choices we make and their impacts.
Sunday Class: Outdoor Lighting Applications—Matt Hartley, John Petty
This full-day course expands on the Fundamentals of Outdoor Lighting Course. It is intended to explore outdoor lighting at the professional design level. Topics include fixture selection, specification design criteria and considerations, regulatory issues, and design concepts.
Sunday Class: Outdoor Lighting Controls—Amanda Dixon, John McBride
This class will provide a comprehensive overview of the various smart lighting controls solutions in the market and the standards that comprise them. Particular attention will be paid to the city/utility use cases that drive the technology choices for different technologies and functionalities. Value propositions and business cases will be reviewed for the various solutions available, so that the class participant can make informed choices about the proper smart and connected lighting solutions for their constituents.
Sunday Class: Outdoor Lighting Computer Aided Design—Donna Gafford, Maureen Castillo
In this class, will be discussing computer-aided exterior lighting design and analysis within the context of the AGi32 lighting software. Specifically, we will walk step-by-step through a site lighting and a street lighting project. While it’s not unusual for students who attend this class to be somewhat new to AGi32, we do expect students have a basic understanding of lighting terminology, luminaire photometry, and exterior lighting design fundamentals.
Sunday Class: Smart Cities and Communities —Cindy Malinchak, Rohan Patil
This course is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of smart city strategies and technologies from a lighting perspective. Participants can expect to come away with a basic understanding of the smart city ecosystem, nomenclature, communication protocols, industry standards, and potential smart city solutions. Value propositions and business cases will be presented from a real-world perspective.
Ladies in Lighting—Sponsored by Cooper Lighting
Welcome Reception
Registration Open
Welcome & Opening Comments
Welcome Speaker
Keynote Speaker—Jackie Jags
Modern Outdoor Lighting* – *to the see the stars while constrained by earthly codes and ordinances—Paul Mercier
Networking Break
Design of Poles for Span Wire Lighting—Jay Baumgartner
Blinded by the Light? Reconsidering Street Lighting’s Impact on Crime Prevention—Nick Mesler
Build America, Buy America – Opportunities, Considerations and What You Need to Know—Dustin Painter
Lunch & Exhibits
What the Data Shows – How Structurally Healthy Are Most Area and Street Lighting Poles and Foundations?—Kenneth Johnson
Transforming Outdoor Lighting with Streetlight Operations Software—David Basil, Scotty Burkes
DC Smart City Street Lighting: A Blueprint for Sustainable Urban Illumination—Christian Lockard
Network Breakout Session Announcement/Break
Network Breakout Sessions
Exhibitor Reception & Exhibits
Registration Open
Light Up the Night—City of Atlanta—Tim Hester
Revolutionizing Connectivity: Exploring the Impact of DALI D4i on the Future of Area and Street Lighting—Michael Davidson
What’s Bugging Us About BUG Ratings?—Shirley Coyle
Bring ‘Em Home Alive – Using 2024 NFPA 70E, 2023 NESC and 2023 NEC to Keep Electrical Workers Safe—Christopher DeWaal
Unlocking the Mystery of Memory Bank 1—Breanna McElroy
From Sunlight to Streetlight: Transforming Utilities with Solar Lighting —Martin Saunier-Plumaz
Lunch & Exhibits
Breaking Down the Barriers to Adaptive Lighting—Ron Gibbons
The Energy and Operational Impacts of Using 0–10v Operational Control for LED Streetlights—Michael Poplawski
Advancing the Nighttime Environment: Connecting People and Places through Sustainable Outdoor Illumination—Tara Belloni
Network Breakout Session Announcement/Break
Network Breakout Sessions
Casino Night Reception
Registration Open
Your Streetlight as a Meter? —Larry Paulhus
How the Growing Texas City of Bee Cave Kept the Stars Big and Bright—Lindsey Oskoui
Case Study: Maintaining Unmetered Customer Lighting Data—Shannon Hackett
Amber LEDs: A Win-Win for People and the Environment—Leora Radetsky, Tony Esposito
Causes of Excessive Color Changes in Streetlights—Lynn Davis
Industry Updates—Becky Rainer, Tanya Hernandez
Closing Remarks—Keith Kesse, SALC 2025 Planning Chair
Special discounted hotel rates
Open Spring 2025
Hotel and Venue
The IES works to get the lowest room rate possible for all of our attendees.

Become an SALC 2025 Partner
BECOME A SPONSOR OR EXHIBITORPartner Opportunities are Now Open
Want to reach over 900 lighting professionals?
Engage with industries leading Outdoor Lighting professionals at this years Street and Area Lighting Conference with one of our tailored packages.
Choose from all encompassing packages that include an exhibit booth, online and in-person branding, exhibit table & marketing suites opportunities.
IES Sustaining Members benefit from a substantial discount on the sponsorship & exhibit packages!
Partner opportunities are now available for the Conference together with various networking events.
Thank you to our 2024 SALC Sponsors & Exhibitors!
For information regarding the 2025 IES SALC please contact Tiffany – tiffany@hifigroup.com.
Lighting Leader Sponsors
Performance Sponsors
Contributing Sponsors

Future Street & Area Lighting Conference Dates
Phoenix, Arizona
Cancellation Policy
Registrants who cancel their registration for any reason (including the denial of a travel visa due to delays or other issues) will receive a refund according to the following schedule
- Registration canceled more than 30 days before the event will be refunded.
- Registrations canceled less than 30 days but more than ten days before the event will be refunded 75% of the registration fee.
- Registration canceled less than ten days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.
- No refunds are granted for “no-shows.”
- Transfers and substitutions of registration are not allowed.
Processing of Refunds
- Refunds of registrations paid by credit card will be made by refunding to that credit card. Refunds of registrations paid by check will be made by check to the person or organization that issued the cheque.
- All refunds should be requested in writing by completing the Refund Request form and emailed to oloukina@ies.org (over-the-phone cancellations will NOT be accepted).
- ALL cancellations and refunds processed will incur a $99 cancellation/processing fee
Solicitation/suitcasing Policy
IES has a policy of no-solicitation. Unauthorized solicitation at the conference or in the exhibit hall is strictly prohibited. This includes the distribution of samples, souvenirs, publications, etc., or other sales promotion activities. These activities may be conducted by paid exhibitors and sponsors only from within their respective booths. Anyone found violating this policy will be asked to leave immediately. No refunds for registration fees will be given if you are found to have violated this policy. Egregious and/or multiple violations of this policy may result in disqualification from future events at the discretion of IES Management.