Light + Justice Symposium 2024: Interior Spaces
April 5, 2024
11:00 am – 4:45 pm (US Eastern), Hybrid
In-person at Parsons School of Design Wollmann Hall in NYC.
Online via Zoom hosted by IES.
Registration Now Open
Registration to the in-person event is free for members of The New School community.
Contact shrumg@newschool.edu for discount code before registering.
IES Members (In-Person)
Non-Members (In-Person)
Students (In-Person)
IES Members (Virtual)
Non-Members (Virtual)
Students (Virtual)
11:30: Session #1: “Engaging Before Designing” (60 min)
Light Justice starts by connecting with the occupants and stakeholders who will live with the lighting we design. The panelists will discuss how to integrate public engagement into lighting design practice.

Francesca Bastianini

Kerem Asfuroglu
Founder, Dark Source

Benje Feehan

Mark Loeffler
12:30: Break [Lunch]
01:15: Session #2 “Light Justice for Affordable Housing” (60 min)
Just like wealthier citizens, public housing occupants want and deserve good lighting. The panelists will investigate how to influence the lighting design and maintenance of public housing to help residents improve their visual environment.

Catherine Murphy

Kolby Forbes
Architect, Bernheimer Architecture

Kia Weatherspoon
02:15: Break [Refreshments]
02:30: Session #3: “Light Justice for the Vulnerable” session #3 (60 min)
Millions of people, particularly vulnerable populations, live or work in public buildings and have no control over their interior environment. This conversation will examine healthy illumination as a human right.

Richard Muthama

Graham Vickers
Senior Principal, Director of Justice Practice, SMRT INC

Dr. Todd Levon Brown

Kia Weatherspoon
03:30: Break
04:30: Concluding remarks by IES
04:45: Adjourn
5:00 to 6:00: Reception in Wollman Hall
Partner Opportunities are Now Open
This is an exclusive opportunity to support the Light + Justice Symposium: Interior Spaces. Choose from sponsorship opportunities that include complimentary Symposium registration, together video messaging and branding visibility before, during, and after the event.
Click the image to view the full opportunities and contact us now through the button link to book.