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Light for Life – A Global Collaboration

Light for Life – A Global Collaboration

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Light for Life is sponsored by Lightfair

“Light for Life” is a global conversation about the impact of light on the lives of humans, plants, and animals. As hosts of this collaborative webinar series for the second year, the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) will once again facilitate webinars over the course of four days the week culminating in International Day of Light (16-May) with partner organizations from around the world.

In practice, the potential of light is something we often view through the lens of our own country’s trends, concerns and accomplishments. By opening this webinar series to global partners, the IES hopes to bring people together to learn from one another about the impact of light on lives all over the world. This series will be free for all.

Please note that CEUs will not be provided for any of these presentations.

Light for Life is designed as a global program, with live presentations scheduled to accommodate the Speaker’s time zone and local audience. If you are unable to join a live presentation due to time difference, please visit the IES eLearning Portal to view the archived presentations. The archives will be available approximately two weeks following Light for Life.