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Facilitator Directory

For Facilitator Directory Users

If you are an IES Section leader responsible for the either introductory or advanced lighting education courses for your Section, the IES Facilitators Directory is a resource providing you with additional options for instructional delivery. If instructors with the needed knowledge and/or experience are not available to you from your Section, then you have the option of contacting individuals in the Directory, who have been vetted to deliver IES face-to-face materials at IES Sections. All financial negotiations about instructional delivery are strictly between the Sections and the Facilitator.

For Facilitator Directory Applicants

If you are an experienced IES education material presenter and interested in offering your expertise to another IES Section through the IES Facilitator, please send your name, years of experience with teaching/presenting/facilitating IES materials, distance willing to travel, and no less than three brief letters of references to

NameCredentialsEmailPhoneCityTeaching ExperienceLighting Education Experience
Hartley, MatthewLC, IES 558-1542Denver, CO19 years19 years
Jaques, JenniferLC, 353-3890 x1San Marcos, TX15 years15 years
Koyle, BenLC, LEED 722-1000Northvale, NJ14 years14 years
Mesh, SteveLC, 516-8126San Francisco, CA34 years34 years
Nielsen, KurtLC, CLEP, MBA, 369-5787Seattle, WA8 years8 years
Thurairah, UthayanRSE, LC, 988-6171Toronto, ON15 years7 years
Warfel, DavidAIA, 202-8280Springfield, IL17 years17 years
Tawakoli, 334 0090San Francisco, CA4 years7 years