The IES is committed to the ongoing development and delivery of cutting-edge education for lighting professionals. Available through modern learning modalities, as well as in-person courses, our educational opportunities are designed to share expertise across our community, provide practical, relevant information, and cover a broad range of topics from inspiration to science. IES education is free for members, and accessible from anywhere in the world.

IES eLearning Portal
Searchable by topic, speaker, and course type, access over 300 educational programs AND earn and track your CEUs.

Hosted on a monthly basis, IES webinars are free to members and cover a variety of standards and relevant lighting topics.

Introduction to Lighting
A seven-module introduction to the technology and practice of lighting with an emphasis on lighting principles and technical terminology.

Fundamentals of Lighting
Available for IES Sections to host on a local level, this in-person course enables sections to offer members in-depth lighting content and CEUs.