Paul Mercier

Paul Mercier is a professional member of the International Association of Lighting Designers and a professional lighting designer certified by the National Council on Qualifications for Lighting Professions. He holds an MS in Lighting from Queensland University of Technology. Paul has over 30 years’ experience in lighting design completing projects in centers across North America.
Mr. Mercier is a judge for international lighting design awards including those for the IES and General Electric. He has received numerous awards for interior – and exterior – lighting designs.
He is an adjunct instructor of undergraduate lighting design at SUNY Buffalo State University and a seasonal instructor for a post-graduate architectural lighting design course at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Environmental Design. Paul instructs on several AIA approved course topics including: Lighting Emerging Technologies, LED Technologies and Applications, LED Architectural Applications and Heritage Landscape Lighting.
Paul is an International Past-President of the IES and Past Acting Executive Vice President of the organization. Mr. Mercier was the Featured Profile in Philips’ Luminous Spec Summer 2015 in which he described the relationship of his education to his success as a lighting designer as “…understanding the science of lighting provides you with the freedom to be creative.”