Eduardo Toledo Santos

Dr. Eduardo Toledo Santos holds a doctorate, a master and bachelor’s degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering and has been an Assistant Professor at the Civil Construction Department of the Escola Politécnica of the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, for 32 years. His expertise is on Information Technology in Construction, especially Building Information Modelling.
Currently, Dr. Santos serves as Communications Director at ANTAC – Brazilian National Association of Built Environment Technology, Board Member of ISCCBE – International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Director of ISGG – International Society for Geometry and Graphics and Board Member of BIM Forum Brazil and CIB – International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.
He has served as Americas Vice President of ISGG – International Society for Geometry and Graphics, Secretary General at ABEG – Brazilian Association of Graphics Expression and co-chair of the IT in Construction Working Group of ANTAC.
He was a founder of the BIM Standards Committee and currently is the Coordinator of the BIM Objects Standard WG at the Brazilian Standards Body (ABNT). Previously, he served as co-chair for the Brazilian Construction Classification System Standard WG.
He is a founder and Director of the BIM Forum Brazil, a neutral non-profit entity for promoting BIM development and adoption in Brazil the host of the Brazilian buildingSMART Chapter.
Dr. Santos leaded the Education Committee on the development of the Federal Government’s Brazilian BIM Diffusion Strategy in 2018 and worked on its BIM adoption roadmap and mandate. As a recognized key opinion leader in Brazil, Dr. Santos is a frequent keynote speaker on national and international conferences. He is also a BIM Excellence Initiative founding member and current BIM Dictionary Portuguese Language Editor. He has acted as technical/scientific chair on many industry and academic BIM conferences.
Dr. Santos has been teaching BIM graduate and undergraduate courses and researching on BIM for the last 19 years on his position as a faculty member at USP (the #1 ranked university on Latin America) focusing on BIM uses across all the building lifecycle phases. Currently, he also serves as vice chair of the Professional Masters in Innovation in Construction at USP.