Lighting for Seniors and the Visually Impaired Committee
Committee Purpose, Scope And Documents
This Technical Committee researches and develops best practices for lighting in eldercare facilities and senior living environments.
Included subject matter: The scope emphasizes vision, comfort, and independence for populations with aging or low vision. It engages in activities such as outreach to senior care organizations, state and national regulatory agencies, and professional organizations involved in the development of standards for senior living environments. Research scope includes the dual function of the human eye for vision and circadian entrainment in relation to aging, particularly the timing, duration, color, and intensity of the circadian stimulus for seniors. Excluded subject matter: This committee does not cover the illumination of related public areas outside the industrial project limitations.
Greg Guarnaccia
Vice Chair
Erin Schambureck
Mariel Acevedo
Kassandra Gonzales
Mary Gotti
Asha Hegde-Niezgoda
Amy Keller
Eunice Noell-Waggoner
James Radi
Anthony Randazzo
Joan Roberts
Doug Walter
Advisory Members
Szucheng CHIEN
Hyung Choi
Lynn Davis
Margaret Fowler-McDowell
Ramesh Gulatee
Colleen Peach
Board Liaisons
Wilson Dau
Cristian Suvagau
Staff Liaisons
Patricia McGillicuddy
Zoe Milgram
Dan Ozminkowski