Healthcare Facilities Lighting Committee
Committee Purpose, Scope And Documents
This Technical Committee researches and develops best practices for lighting in healthcare facilities.
Included subject matter: The scope includes lighting needs specific to acute care hospitals, chronic care hospitals, extended care facilities, and related facilities (free standing ambulatory surgical centers, emergency centers, etc.). Excluded subject matter: This committee does not cover the illumination of related public areas outside the healthcare facility project limitations.
Karen Murphy
Vice Chair
Julie Donovan
Stacey Kennedy
Mary Alcaraz
Jana Brownell
Ellen Godson
Julie Johnson
Jay Kuypers
Leslie North
Patricia Rizzo
Lauren Schwade
Girlie van der Linden
Advisory Members
Catherine Hall
Richard Kurzawa
Vincent Lemelin
Thomas Nichols
Shanna Olson
Courtney Wayne
Board Liaisons
Cristian Suvagau
Staff Liaisons
Patricia McGillicuddy
Dan Ozminkowski