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Taylor Technical Talent Award

This award recognizes outstanding application papers published in LD+A, LEUKOS, or presented at the IES Annual Conference or at a Regional Conference.

The Taylor Technical Talent Award improves both the quality and quantity of papers on the practice of lighting by providing recognition of authors for their accomplishments and raising the awareness of the need for these papers. In addition, it reaffirms the IES’s position of leadership as the authoritative body on lighting application by the recognition of outstanding contributions to applications literature by the Society.

Papers published in LD+A and LEUKOS are automatically eligible for consideration for the award. Papers presented at Regional Conferences may be submitted by the author(s), the Conference Chairman, the Regional Director, or the Regional Awards Chairman. Papers presented at the Annual Conference may be submitted by the author(s). The submission shall consist of a letter of transmittal containing all pertinent information and an abstract, plus a copy of the manuscript. Judging shall be based solely on the material that is submitted.


A Taylor Technical Talent Award committee is charged with the responsibility of selecting the winning paper.

All submissions must be received by January 31.

The Award

The award is an engraved plaque presented at the Annual Conference held in November. A release by the author(s) for publication, shall be required of all entrants. The award shall be administered by the Executive Vice President, following the timeline established by the committee.

For questions, please contact the Chairperson of the Taylor Technical Talent Award or the IES office.

Taylor Technical Talent Award
John Zhang
3696 Haven Avenue, Suite A
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: (650) 249-6572
Fax: (650) 362-1987

Illuminating Engineering Society
120 Wall Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10005-4001
(212) 248-5000


Measure and Report Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) in LED Luminaires for Street and Roadway Lighting Applications Published as an Independent Research Project supported by the IES Research Fund Ronald Gibbons, Matthew Palmer, Jason Meyer & Travis Terry
Impact of Roadway Lighting on Crash Safety Ronald Gibbons, Feng Guo, Alejandra Medina, Travis Terry, Jianhe Du, Paul Lutkevich, Qing Li
Spatial Brightness Perception of Trichromatic Stimuli Michael Royer and Kevin Houser
Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings Alison Williams, Barbara Atkinson, Karina Garbesi, Erik Page, Francis Rubinstein
A Procedure for Determining Target Illuminances David DiLaura, Rita Harrold, Kevin Houser, Richard Mistrick, Gary Steffy
Subjective Impression of Discomfort Glare from Sources of Non-Uniform Luminance Michelle Eble-Hankins, Clarence Waters
Preliminary Method for Prospective Analysis of the Circadian Efficacy of (Day)Light with Applications to Healthcare Architecture C. Pechacek, M. Andersen, S. Lockley
Energy Saving Lighting Control Systems for Open-Plan Offices: A Field Study G. Newsham, A. Galasiu, C. Suvagau, D. Sander
The Potential for Demand-Responsive Lighting in Non-Daylit Offices G. Newsham, S. Mancini
Task Lighting Effects on Office Worker Satisfaction and Performance, and Energy Efficiency C. Arsenault, C. Duval, G. Newsham, A.M. Tosco, J. Veitch
Tuning the Fluorescent Spectrum for the Trichromatic Visual Response: A Pilot Study Kevin Houser, Dale Tiller, Xin Hue
Linear-Moving Detector Photometer: A New Design Concept John Zhang
Development of a Metric to Quantify Beam Quality of Reflectorized Lamps Andrew Bierman, Kevin Simonson, Narendran Nadarajah, Peter Boyce
Field Study of Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Robert Levin, William Brackett, James Burke, Norma Frank
A Metric for Judging Acceptability of Direct Luminaires in Computer Offices Naomi Johnson Miller, Peter R. Boyce, Peter Y. Ngai
Comparison of Control Options in Private Offices in an Advanced Lighting Controls Testbed Judith D. Jennings, Francis Rubinstein, Dennis DiBartolomeo, Steven L. Blanc
An Empirical Data Based Method for the Development of Lighting Energy Standards E.E. Richman, C. Jones, J. Lindsey
Effective Constrained Illumination of Three Dimensional Light Sensitive Objects Scott Mangum
The Effect of Lamp Color on the Visibility of Small Targets Michael Janoff, James Havard
Lighting High Bay Areas with Electrodeless Lamps Frank Florentine, Lorne Whitehead, Don MacLennan, Lee Anderson
Evaluation of Retail Lighting Howard Brandston, Christopher Cuttle
Application Testing of Compact Fluorescent Lamps: Table Lamps and Recessed Down Lamps Yufen Ji, Robert Davis
The Dilemma of Emergency Lighting: Theory vs Reality Michael J. Ouellette, Ivaldo C. Pasini, Brian W. Tansley
Lighting and HVAC Stephen Treado