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Emerging Professionals Program

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Who is an Emerging Professional (EP)?

An Emerging Professional is an individual who has less than 5 years of experience in the lighting industry.

What is the IES?

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has been the North American authority for technical and educational aspects related to lighting for the last 100+ years. What separates the IES from other lighting societies is the breadth of professionals that make up its membership. From engineers, architects, designers, educators, students, contractors, distributors, utility personnel, manufacturers, to scientists, all 8,000+ members have a voice and an opportunity to contribute to the mission of the Society: to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public.

Why should I become an EP?

Joining the IES as an EP has numerous advantages. It will add structure to your career development and guide you away from the career freefall that many people experience. There are many avenues you can explore to get involved; it all depends on what your goals are and how much time and energy you’re willing to invest.

Social – You will be introduced to the lighting industry. From other Emerging Professionals all the way up to industry leaders and many others in between, the opportunities for meaningful networking and the resulting possibilities are endless.

Knowledge – If you’re looking to become more knowledgeable in the lighting industry, the IES offers courses of different levels, from fundamentals up to advanced. We also offer study groups for those who want to pass their test to become Lighting Certified (LC).

Leadership – If you want to learn how to become a leader of tomorrow, being an EP will expose you to opportunities that you won’t typically find in your job, accelerate your career development and make you into a stand-out employee… Did we mention you will have a ton of fun along the way, and you get to keep all your newly learned skills?

Are you ready to become an EP?

For those who are ready to enter the lighting industry, becoming an EP is a rewarding way to jump-start your career while having a lot of fun in the process.

Emerging Professional Home Office Lighting Webinar

How is your home office? Meet the IES EP Program Committee members who organize EP Day during the IES Annual Conference each year. Committee members Chip Israel, Dan Salinas, Lisa Reed, Chris Bright, Elizabeth Williams, Ira Rothman, Sam Koerbel, and Barry Young will give a short presentation on suggestions and principles for making your home office functional and professional in this challenging time we find ourselves in. Topics include: Directional lighting, virtual backgrounds, daylighting, avoiding patterns, film lighting principles, reflections, audio/cameras, and more. The event will kick off with a fun virtual game, you’ll get to hear from the speakers, and then get a chance to discuss in small groups what your home office includes!

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Ask an EP

The Emerging Professional column explores issues affecting younger lighting professionals and those new to the industry



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