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Light + Human Health SymposiumA lighting research symposium organized by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) to explore how light affects human health

Crowne Plaza Atlanta Midtown – Atlanta, Georgia, USA – April 8-10, 2018


How does light during the day and night affect our circadian, biological, and behavioral responses? At the 2018 IES Research Symposium, Light + Human Health, we will hear the latest research and consider how this research might affect current and future design applications. The Symposium will bring together researchers and design professionals for an open exchange of ideas that will influence future priorities for developing and adopting metrics, standards, and recommended practices.

As Members of the IES Research Symposium Committee, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to sponsor the 2018 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Research Symposium: LIGHT + HUMAN HEALTH to be held in Atlanta, GA, April 8 – 10, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta and SimTigrate Design Lab. Many prominent national and international speakers, along with posters and papers, will fill the agenda.

Sponsoring the IES Research Symposium provides your company with invaluable exposure to the top thought leaders in lighting. This opportunity is limited and is only available biannually.

There are a limited number of sponsorships available for the Research Symposium. Please review and decide which Sponsorship Category works for your organization.

Presenting Underwriter – $10,000.00 (10 sponsorships available)

Knowledge Underwriter – $3,000.00 (10 sponsorships available)

The general goals of the 2018 LIGHT+ HUMAN HEALTH Research Symposium are:

At the 2018 IES Research Symposium the latest research on how light during the day and night affects our circadian, biological, and behavioral responses will be presented along with discussions on how this research might affect current and future design applications.

More information about the symposium can be found online at

For more information regarding sponsorships, contact Jennifer Marotta Collin at 212.248.5000, ext. 117.

Please return the sponsorship selection agreement to Jennifer Marotta Collin by December 12, 2017.

I look forward to seeing you at the 2018 IES Research Symposium.

Best regards,

Terry Clark
2018 IES Research Symposium: LIGHT + HUMAN HEALTH

Paul Gregory
2018 IES Research Symposium: LIGHT + HUMAN HEALTH