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IES24 Emerging Professionals Day

Early Bird

Closes May 28


IES Member Full Registration (IA Gala Included)



Non-Member Full Registration (IA Gala Included)



Emerging Professional Full Registration (IA Gala Included)



Student Full Registration (IA Gala Not Included)



Retired/Emeritus Full Registration (IA Gala Included)



One Day Pass – Member, (IA Gala Not Included)



One Day Pass – Non-Member (IA Gala Not Included)



IA Gala Only



IA Gala On-Site


Exhibit Hall Only



Welcome to IES24 The Lighting Conference

Emerging Professionals Day

New York City, August 15-17, New York Marriott Marquis, Times Square

Every year students and new lighting professionals gather at the Emerging Professional event held in conjunction with IES’s Lighting Conference to learn more about the lighting industry, meet leadership within the IES and to build valuable relationships to further their lighting careers. Involvement benefits students and EPs, as well as the Society as a whole, through the exchange of ideas and experiences. This event is possible because of the generous contributions of sponsors.

EP Day Agenda



Proposed Room

7:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m


Registration/Coat Room

8:00 a.m – 9:00 a.m

Joint LF/ EP Breakfast


9:00 a.m – 9:30 a.m



9:30 a.m – 10:30 a.m



10:30 a.m – 10:45 a.m


South Pre-Function

10:45 a.m – 12:00 p.m

Industry Networking Event


12:00 p.m – 1:00 p.m



1:00 p.m – 1:45 p.m

Icons in Lighting


2:30 p.m – 2:30 p.m

Off-Site Event

5:00 p.m – 6:30 p.m

Exhibit Table-Top Reception

Broadway Full

6:00 p.m – 7:00 p.m

EP RECEPTION – By Invite Only
Sponsored EPs & Sponsors only


7:00 p.m – 10:00 p.m

President’s Opening Reception & Awards




Proposed Room

7:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m



8:00 a.m – 9:00 p.m



9:00 a.m – 10:00 a.m

Breaking Dawn: The Challenges and Consequences of Light Pollution Remedies

Annika Jägerbrand, Alp Durmus, Maria Nilsson Tengelin

Topic: Environment & Sustainability

Mitigating Perception of Glare From Streetlights

Naomi Miller, Belal Abboushi

Topic: Other – Lighting Research

Research Track: Paper Presentations

Two 30-Minute Presentations


10:05 a.m – 11:05 a.m

Community Centered Models in Practice: Expanding the Role of Lighting Design Beyond Arbitrators of Lux

Francesca Bastianini, Luciana Martinez, Iris Ahn

Topic: Art & Process of Design, Humanities & Ethics

What Is Semantic Interoperability and Why Should the Lighting Industry Care About It?

Michael Poplawski

Topic: Emerging Technologies

Research Track: Paper Presentations

Two 30-Minute Presentations


11:05 a.m – 11:10 a.m

Networking Break

South Pre-Function

11:10 a.m – 12:30 p.m

Industry Progress Report


12:30 p.m – 1:30 p.m

Lunch & Table Top Exhibits


1:00 p.m – 1:30 p.m

Research Track: Paper Presentations

One 30-Minute Presentation

Hudson/Empire & Columbia

1:30 p.m – 2:30 p.m

Hospitality Lighting: ANSI/IES RP-9 Leading the Way Beyond Calculations

Emlyn Altman, Chip Israel

Topic: Art & Process of Design

School Adoption of LEDs is Lagging – Why?

Jessica Collier Kelly, Alexandra Christiana, Andrea Wilkerson

Topic: Emerging Technologies, Sustainability

Research Track: Paper Presentations

Two 30-Minute Presentations


2:35 p.m – 3:35 p.m

Next Steps for Lighting Education

Daniel Blitzer, Tom Butters, Marc Hodges, Bob Preston

Topic: Professional Practices/Lighting Education


EPD, LCA, PCR…Making Sense of Environmental Declaration Alphabet Soup

Harold Jepsen, Aaron Smith, Chris Fournier, Debbie Melton

Topic: Environment & Sustainability

Research Track: Paper Presentations

Two 30-Minute Presentations


3:35 p.m – 3:50 p.m

Networking Break

South Pre-Function

3:50 p.m – 4:50 p.m

Modeling Light

Dan Weissman

Topic: Emerging Technologies, Art & Process of Design

*(working title) PoE and DC Systems

Moderator: Michael Poplawski

Panelists: TBD

Panel Session to be coordinated with and invted experts

Topic: Emerging Technologies

Research Track: Paper Presentations

Two 30-Minute Presentations



Lighting Project Tour (Hosted by IESNYC)


Paper & Poster Submissions Close May 8




Industry Roundtable EP Aug 15th, 9:30-10:30am 

During this session you will gain insights into the broad-ranging professions that together, make up the collaborative spirit & partnership that defines the lighting industry.  

The presentation format will encourage audience participation. Who is the EE? Who designed a fixture during college that still hangs in the Met Museum?  How did a waitress become the President of the IESNYC? Learn how the myriad choices, happy accidents or surgical precision planning has led our participants to their lighting careers.  

Al Uszynski , Inside Lighting | Jessie Frias, Illuminico, Business Development Manager | Ken Kane, EVP Lighting Services, Inc
Megan Carroll, Sales & Marketing Manager, Lighting Services, Inc | Charles Selander, Sales Representative, Illuminations  | Emma Weaver, Lighting designer

Al Uszynski
Al Uszynski
Jessica Frias
Jessica Frias
Ken Kane
Ken Kane
Megan Carroll
Megan Carroll


Industry Networking Event EP Aug 15th, 10:45-12:00pm 

Contributions in Lighting : Career and Volunteer Pathway: An  event for sponsors to network with the sponsored EP and Student attendees – By invitation only Limited to sponsored EPs and Student attendees

Alessa Aguayo, LC, WELL AP | Francesca Bastianini, IES, Sighte Studio, Founding Partner | Nathaniel Bliss, SLS, Executive Sales Representative
Jamie Devenger, QTL/ Q-Tran, Chief Innovation Officer | Shaun Fillion, LC ,LEED Green Associate, Educator IALD, CLCP 
Jessie Frias, Illuminico, Business Development Representative | Tommy Nichols, LC, Acuity Brands Lighting, Business Development Director
Dan Ozminkowski, IES Education and Standards, Content Manager | Sara Schonour, LC, IALD, MIES, Luxsi, founder | Shoshanna Segal, CLD, Hartranft Lighting Design, Principal 

Alessa Aguayo
Alessa Aguayo
Francesca Bastianini
Francesca Bastianini
Nathaniel Bliss
Nathaniel Bliss
Jamie Devenger
Jamie Devenger
Shaun Fillion
Shaun Fillion
Jessie Frias
Jessie Frias
Tommy Nichols
Tommy Nichols
Dan Ozminkowski
Dan Ozminkowski
Sara Schonour
Sara Schonour
Shoshanna Segal
Shoshanna Segal


Icons In Lighting Panel EP Aug 15th, 1:00-1:45pm 

An Icon is a person widely admired especially for having great influence or significance in a particular sphere. Come meet 2 Lighting Icons – Peter Ngai (Medal Award 2016) and Cheryl English (Marks Award 2021) The two highest honors Awarded by the IES are the Medal for technical achievement, and the Marks for pinnacle service to The Society and industryHear first-hand their foundation, motivation, determination, philosophy of success and pioneering impact on lighting. The session will be an interview/conversation moderated by Mark Roush (IES Past President 2015-2016). 

Featuring: Peter Ngai, Independent Lighting Consultant | Cheryl English, Lighting Industry Executive
Moderator: Mark Roush, Marketing and Education Consultant, Experience Light, LLC 

Cheryl English
Cheryl English
Peter Ngai
Peter Ngai
Mark Roush
Mark Roush

Travel suggestions in NYC

Sights of interest in NYC

Thank you to our 2024 Emerging Professionals Day Sponsors

To become an IES24 Emerging Professionals Day Sponsor, please contact Michael Austerlitz:
Acuity Brands logo
IES Orange County Section
IES Rochester Section logo
SESCO Lighting logo

 2024 Emerging Professionals Committee

Alexandra Christiana
Alexandra Christiana

Alexandra Christiana
HMFH Architects, Associate

Kelly Roberts
Kelly Roberts

Kelly Roberts
Primary Arc Design Inc, Principal, Lighting Designer

Mark Roush
Mark Roush

Mark Roush
Experience Light, LLC, Marketing/Education Consultant

Dani Senne
Dani Senne

Dani Senne
Acuity Brands, Director, Marketing

Elizabeth Williams
Elizabeth Williams

Elizabeth Williams
Illuminart,  Lighting Designer, Associate

Megan Caroll
Megan Caroll

Megan Carroll, MIES, LC
Global Strategic Marketing,
Lighting Services Inc

The Lighting Conference at a Glance


Emerging Professionals Day
Leadership Forum
Hands-On Workshops
Exhibits Reception
Society Awards
Opening Reception, sponsored by
Cooper Lighting


Opening Keynote
General Session
Sessions & Papers


Networking Session
Sessions & Papers
IES25 Announcement


7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Registration Open

8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m.

EP’s & LF’s Breakfast

9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m

Emerging Professionals Day

Soho Complex

Leadership Forum

Duffy/ Columbia

8:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.

Light and Human Health: Putting the Recommended Practice into Professional Practice

Kimberly Mercier, George Brainard

Topic: Light & Human Health

Advanced Digital Tools for Daylighting Design


Nathan Sharnas, Reinhardt Swart

Topic: Emerging Technologies

Photometry in Action

Craig Bernecker

Topic: Design
At Parsons School of Design

12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.




1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Topic: Design

Tony Esposito

Topic: Lighting Science

Getting Real with DALI: Beyond the Digital Buzz

Carol Jones, Michael Myer

Topic: Emerging Technologies

The DOE L-Prize competition is designed to spur ground-breaking innovation for next-generation lighting in commercial buildings. DOE deliberately set the bar high, with ambitious innovation goals for efficiency, sustainability, connectivity, and more. Six winning prototypes demonstrated extraordinary performance and capabilities, and this session will gather these leading-edge innovators to explore what they see as the biggest remaining challenges, and what this prize teaches us about future research needs.

Moderator: Gabe Arnold, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

  • Scott Metker, Autani
  • Cary Eskow, Grid Interactive Efficient Building Alliance (GiEBA)
  • Sean Darras, lightly
  • Stephen Zhou, McWong International
  • David Woodward and Magdalena Beverly, Signify
5:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.

Exhibits with Reception

Located in Broadway Ballroom

6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.

Emerging Professionals Networking Reception

Located in Harlem room

6:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m.  

President’s Opening Reception & Society Awards, sponsored by Cooper Lighting

Located in Astor room

8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m.

Continental Breakfast

9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

Light and Health: Translating Research into Recommendations

 For more than two decades, the academic research community has been investigating the impact of light on human health and wellbeing. While this remains an active area of research, new recommendations for indoor light exposure have emerged, considering the sensitivity of the human circadian, neuroendocrine, and alerting responses to light. This session provides an overview of the latest research findings, how these findings have been integrated into current recommendations for indoor light exposure, and finally, how these recommendations translate to lighting design and practice. Moderator: Morgan Pattison, SSLS, Inc.

  • Steven Lockley, Harvard Medical School
  • Renske Lok, Stanford University
  • Lisa Ostrin, University of Houston
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m. –12:30 p.m.

 Next-Generation Lighting Tools

As the lighting industry evolves, so do our tools. Artificial intelligence is impacting design and is poised to be integrated into industry practice and processes. This session will address new products and software that are adapting to meet new market expectations. The internet, electronics, and telecom industries are converging with lighting with the intent of adding it to their offerings. Trends including decarbonization, lighting for health, and a circular economy are triggering new standards and regulations that provide guidance and guiderails for lighting professionals. Join knowledgeable experts for a discussion of the next generation of tools available and needed for architectural lighting to meet current and future demands. Moderator: Mark Lien, Illuminating Engineering Society

  • Michael Davidson, Synapse Wireless
  • Thomas Paterson, Lux Populi
  • Eve Phillips, Capital One, formerly of Google AI
  • Jon Sargent, Solemma
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m.


1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.

Novel Methods for Post-Occupancy Evaluations

 Post-occupancy evaluations are somewhat common practice for measuring the success of a lighting project, testing a design hypothesis, or identifying lessons learned for future designers. Historically, these evaluations have linked relatively static estimates of lighting quantities to occupant feedback collected from surveys or interviews; however, new technology has enabled more sophisticated assessments of increasingly capable daylighting and electric lighting systems. This session will highlight novel methods for characterizing occupant light exposure and discuss how these methods can deepen our understanding of the relationship between lighting conditions in real-world applications and occupant outcomes. Moderator: Andrea Wilkerson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

  • Mike Martinez, Atelier Ten
  • Shadab Rahman, Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women’s Hospital
  • Siobhan Rockcastle, University of Oregon
3:00 p.m

Closing Remarks

3:00 p.m.

Optional Tour of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Lighting Science & Technology Lab

Click one of the images for more information

Cancellation Policy

Registrants who cancel their registration for any reason (including the denial of a travel visa due to delays or other issues) will receive a refund according to the following schedule

  • Registration canceled more than 30 days before the event will be refunded.
  • Registrations canceled less than 30 days but more than ten days before the event will be refunded 75% of the registration fee.
  • Registration canceled less than ten days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.
  • No refunds are granted for “no-shows.”
  • Transfers and substitutions of registration are not allowed.

Processing of Refunds

  • Refunds of registrations paid by credit card will be made by refunding to that credit card. Refunds of registrations paid by check will be made by check to the person or organization that issued the cheque.
  • All refunds should be requested in writing by completing the Refund Request form and emailed to (over-the-phone cancellations will NOT be accepted).
  • ALL cancellations and refunds processed will incur a $99 cancellation/processing fee