June 14, 2024
The Society Welcomes New Board Members and Approves Bylaw Changes
NEW YORK— The annual voting process for the Annual Membership Meeting is an opportunity for the members of the Illuminating Engineering Society to determine the future of the Society and is one of the most important benefits of membership. The 2024 IES Annual Membership Meeting contained two important items to vote on: approving the slate of Board Members as proposed by the Nominating Committee and revisions to the Bylaws.
The Society’s governing body, the Board of Directors, is responsible for all of the legal and financial affairs of the Society and is composed of members elected by the membership. The IES Executive Committee includes the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Past-President.
The IES welcomes the following individuals to the Board of Directors for a 2025-2026 term, which will start on January 1, 2025:
Vice President/President-Elect: Jared Smith
Treasurer: Jeremy Maxie
At Large Directors:
Carla Bukalski
Amardeep Dugar
Cristian Suvagau
South Regional Director: Becky Stuart
West Regional Director: Jim Levy
Wilson Dau, the 2023-2024 Vice President/President-Elect, will become IES President on January 1, 2025, completing his term as President at the end of next year.
Thank you to current members of the Board of Directors whose terms will be ending at the end of this year:
Ira Rothman
Frank Agraz, Jr.
Michael Myer
Kelly Seeger
The following revisions to the IES Bylaws were also approved by the voting members of the Society:
Revised Election Timeline: With the change to our fiscal year, we have updated the timeline related to the nomination and election processes.
Membership Classifications: Adds “Emerging Professional” as a membership category.
Business Review: The requirement to conduct a business review was removed from the Bylaws and added to the Society’s Policies and Procedures, as is typical for a non-profit organization.
Board Composition: The number of Directors constituting the Board shall be not less than fourteen, with the adjustment of no fewer than three (3) At-Large Directors.