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General Lighting Market Forecast To Grow By $50 Billion

December 8, 2022

General Lighting Market Forecast To Grow By $50 BillionResearch and Markets unveils in its new report Global General Lighting Market 2023-2027 that the general market is expected to grow by $50.7 billion and accelerate at a CAGR of 6.97% during the forecast period. The report, intended to be a holistic analysis of the market, covers vendor analysis of approximately 25 vendors, market size, trends, growth drivers and challenges. The expected growth is due to changes surrounding LEDs and energy-efficient lighting solutions such as a decline in LED manufacturing costs; a growth in demand for energy-efficient technology; and a growth in demand for LEDs in the automotive sector. 

The report is broken into three categories: Products, Applications and Geographical Locations. The first includes LED Lighting and Traditional Lighting. The second includes Commercial, Industrial, Outdoor, Residential and more applications. Finally, the last includes APAC, Europe, Middle East and Africa, North America and South America.

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