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The IES is currently developing new programs in support of lighting research. These programs are designed to meet the objectives of the IES Strategic Plan 2014-2020, which calls for us to “Identify research needs that significantly advance the industry while leveraging the IES Brand to proactively promote research funding beyond the current sphere of influence of the IES”. The first action taken was to convene a 10-member Strategic Research Advisory Panel, whose 2016 report identified four Strategic Research Goals for our Society as primary targets of focus on lighting research:

  • Goal 1: Refine Knowledge about Lighting and Visual Processes
  • Goal 2: Understand the Impact of Light Exposure on Human Health
  • Goal 3: Foster the Integration of Lighting into the Holistic Built Environment
  • Goal 4: Demonstrate the Value of Quality Lighting

IES Lighting Research activities will encourage and support research projects and programs that are directed toward the above goals, through collaborative funding, academic research support, and research community development.


The IES supports the development of reports and papers that provide pertinent information to advance the development of our standards and new ideas to further explore in the future.


The Forum for Illumination Research, Engineering, and Science (FIRES) is an online space for our lighting community to openly share and discuss the latest research and innovations in illumination engineering and science.

Current Project

The IES supports projects that seek to improve life through quality of light. Learn more about these programs.

Past Projects

Access previously published research project reports, such as the Parking Lot Lighting Research Project from 2019.